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Thank you so much for meeting with us. I am confident that we know what it is you’re after with this campaign. I believe our team is uniquely positioned to knock this out of the park for you.


Below is my treatment for how I would approach making these spots:


With our spots, we’re going to fight for simplicity. Simplicity in that all of the noise of life has gone away. We want the audience to see Orange Beach and Gulf Shores as a place where they can be fully present - here - now - relaxed. As you said in our meeting, it's all about the emotion. A feeling. This campaign will "zero in" on moments. These moments are like sand. You want to bottle them up and take them with you forever.


We'll pair that emotional hook with the perfect tagline and imagery. 


For the tagline we want to focus in on the emotional core of what your audience wants. Right now, I'm really loving the idea of a tag-line that speaks directly to the audience. Something like - "You deserve this." But then letting the tagline change as needed for the different subject matters. "You deserve this." "Your family deserves this." "Your marriage deserves this." Etc. We also love the idea of getting lost in these moments. Something that speaks to escape. Or something as simple as "Enjoy the Moment." 


Technically / visually we have built this campaign off of your original idea of starting close - then moving out wide to show the scene. We want to simply add the magic of emotion to each of our scenarios. 


Here's an example "script" for the golf idea. 


Our opening shot is a close up of the ball on a tee going into the ground. We cut to a wide to establish the scene. There’s a breeze. Natural sound of birds and the breeze throughout. Our golfer surveys the course as he leans into the breeze. We then cut to see what he sees. He smiles. Then he cranks one. It’s the perfect shot down the fairway. He slowly brings his club down. We move back into a close of his face. He glances to the sky and back the fairway. He’s having the perfect day. He’s at peace. He’s lost in the moment. He takes a deep breath to take it all in, then we hear “You deserve this.” 


Cut to a fast montage and then to our art card.


In an effort to show more with each spot - at the end of each of the spots it would be great to cut together a short "general" montage. That way we can spend most of our time on the specific angle - but then end it with some general beauty / sizzle / flash. This montage would be fast - fun - and comprehensive of the offerings of your area. In this montage we'd use new and existing footage that you already have. 


With every scene, we have the same “formula.” Start with and object, move to the scene, and then back to a close up. Tagline. Montage. Art card. 



The energy for all the spots is similar. We would shoot everything handheld to make it feel more alive. There’ll be a sway to the camera like the breeze from the ocean. 



Below are some examples of things we shot that are handheld. The beauty of handheld is that it lets us go fast and allows us operate with a slimmer crew. 

Nexus - Choose Life

The Preserves by Alabama Power Company Shorelines

YM360 Event Resources

Again, thank so much for meeting with us and allowing us to speak into the project.


I want this to be a conversation. Part of this whole process is finding the right number and the right creative idea. We don't want to scare you off. We're flexible and would love to work with you. So, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either me or Audra.


Also, if you'd like to see more examples of any of the above styles, let me know. We've got more to show.




Thanks again,


Taylor Robinson



Audra Whaley



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