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I hope you are doing well. Thanks you for taking the time to look into Six Foot Five and our services. We want to give you a snap snot of who we are. 


We’ve spent some time thinking and discussing your brand, as well as your goals with Brett and JD. We really believe that Six Foot Five will make a great video/storytelling partner for the Focus Group and Greenwood. 


We’ve taken some time to compile a few pieces of our work on this page to give you a good taste of our capabilities and expertise.


Everything you see below are pieces we've created. 


First and foremost, we pride ourselves in being great storytellers. The best way to connect people with places, ideas, or products is through great storytelling. We don't just say it...we bet the farm on it. 


We’ve told stories all over the world about a myriad of subjects. Through those experiences we've learned how to emotionally connect with audiences using raw human themes found throughout all forms of storytelling. 


At Six Foot Five we believe that well-told stories don’t happen by accident. And we’ve been working hard for a few decades to be excellent at it. 


Telling a story well AND making it visually beautiful is where the magic happens.


We bring the highest level of production value to all of our shoots. We’ve become masters at stretching budget dollars as far as we can, while at the same time keeping the quality as high as possible.

Nexus - Choose Life

The Preserves by Alabama Power Company Shorelines

Navigate Ningxia

McWhorter School of Pharmacy

Thanks For Your Time

I believe our team is uniquely positioned to step in and knock this project out of the park for you.


If you'd like to see more examples of any of the above styles, let me know. We've got more to show. 


Thanks again,



Taylor Robinson



Audra Whaley



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