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Compassion Baseball

Idea drop

Here's a place where I've compiled some videos and content to be used as inspiration when thinking about doing a baseball project in the DR for Compassion International. 

Initial thoughts

Initial thoughts

The MLB is always looking for ways to show they care about more than just the game. In fact, a lot of players use the platform of the game of baseball to do good.  


It would be awesome for Compassion to explore ways to use the game of baseball as a way to introduce audiences to your work.


This can work on two fronts. 

1. Getting MLB players and executives on board to promote the work of Compassion (in the DR and around the world).

2. Introduce baseball fans to the work of Compassion via the platform partner players and executives bring to the table.




Every single year the MLB gives away a Roberto Clemente Award. This is an award given to the player that "best exemplifies the game of baseball,  sportsmanshipcommunity involvement and the individual's contribution to his team. In the past few years, this award has gone almost exclusively to players doing "foundation" work out side of the game. 


How incredible would it be for Compassion to find and partner with a ball player who might one day WIN the RCA?




If you watch many MLB games on TV, especially during the post season, you'll find they are happy to play content that promotes outside programs that ball players are involved in - especially when that work is for the greater good. It paints the players and the league in a great light.


It would be awesome for Compassion's work in the DR to get picked up and played during the 7th inning stretch of a game televised on national TV. 


For something like this to work, there would HAVE to be a substantial baseball personality connected with the work, obviously.




Initially, this whole conversation started because Compassion was looking to raise fund through the many connections you guys have into the executive offices at the MLB and specific ball clubs. Rob and Alison told me that something like 25% of all the ball players in the MLB are from the DR! 


If this is a fact that is well known around the league, then they can easily make the connection...It's the perfect formula for getting some kind of response out of them. "This country already has a direct impact throughout the MLB." 


Again, for this angle to be as effective as possible, I suggest that you work hard to get one or two or 15 substantial baseball personalities to speak for you.




In almost every example I've found online - there is a big name connected with the work. That is something to note - IF your intent is to get public exposure from outside outlets.


This could go on and on...but I'll leave it at this for now. 


Reference content

Striking Out Poverty - ESPN SportsCenter

ESPN and Make A Wish Package played on ESPN

MLB Network - Maverick's Dream - 


We love Compassion, and we want to see your work around the world grow. We love how the gospel of Christ is so beautifully intracate to the incredible work you're doing to relieve children from poverty. 


I also love baseball, and I think there are some very unique and powerful stories that we can tell using baseball as a backdrop to promote the work of Christ through Compassion. 


Obviously, this is totally your call and I'm just a guy throwing ideas at you. Since we originally talked about this project I've been doing a lot of thinking and brainstorming on this particular "angle." I wanted to get it all down, and in your hands so you can do with it what you want. In the end, as long as Compassion is advancing the gospel, I want you guys to win. 


Thanks again,

Taylor R.



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